Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to bake automation into your company's architecture, from the ground up

There are enormous benefits businesses can realize from integrating automated systems in their workplace. From increased agility to having a better understanding of the big picture. Automation isn't replacing humans, it's enabling people to focus on what they're good at. As an employer, you should be doing everything in your power to help your employees do the same. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we can help you find the solutions that help your workers focus. Contact us to find out more.


5 Ways IoT Is Reinventing Businesses Today

In a recent survey of business executives, 45% report IoT has helped boost profits by 1% to 5%, and another 41% say the impact has boosted them by 5% to 15% annually. That's a huge increase to profit with a simple integration. Except integrating IoT isn't always simple. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours to plan, implement, and optimize their connected devices. We can help you to do the same. Contact us to learn more.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Your Old Hardware is Costing You

This data sheet includes 5 strong arguments for how running older hardware can end up costing organizations more than it is saving them. Each point provides powerful statistics and guides them toward Intel® Core™ Processors in Lenovo® devices. Finally, the data sheet includes specifications for the ThinkPad™ line of products.

View: The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Your Old Hardware is Costing You

10th Gen Intel® Core™ Mobile Processors Intel® Wi-Fi 6 Gig+

This short video, ideal for social sharing, is entitled "10th Gen Intel® Core™ Mobile Processors Intel® Wi-Fi 6 Gig+." It features the advantages Wi-Fi 6 can provide to users, including close to 3x faster-performing Wi-Fi compared with a 5-year-old PC.

Customer Story: Butler University

"Customer Story: Butler University" is a wonderfully engaging and quick-hitting video that shows how the university's IT department stays ahead of bandwidth requirements that double every 3 years. Contact us today for more information on how to rapidly identify root causes of Wi-Fi issues or be alerted to anomalies in usage before they become serious problems.

I have solutions from many vendors in my IT environment. How can Microsoft help me secure our entire digital landscape?

Keep your data protected as your business grows and changes with the times. Whether you're adding apps, devices, or moving to the cloud, Microsoft 365 ensures your data is secure without overburdening your security team.

View: I have solutions from many vendors in my IT environment. How can Microsoft help me secure our entire digital landscape?

Cut the Cord with Intel® Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) for Enterprise

This instructive infographic, "Cut the Cord with Intel® Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) for Enterprise," highlights the wireless transformation taking place in the workplace, and showcases the improved 3x performance, 4x scalability, reliability, and security of the Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) technology in 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors. It makes a point of comparing the cost savings of a Wi-Fi 6 user versus the current Ethernet-connected worker.

View: Cut the Cord with Intel® Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) for Enterprise

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lenovo Windows 10 Security and Productivity Infographic

This infographic breaks down the key features of Lenovo® PCs and Windows® 10 Pro and shows how they work together to achieve maximum security and performance. A clear design and powerful statistics help drive this key point home.

View: Lenovo Windows 10 Security and Productivity Infographic

Wireless Health: Powerful Heuristics for Smarter Troubleshooting

This academic white paper entitled "Wireless Health: Powerful Heuristics for Smarter Troubleshooting" explores how Cisco Meraki's Wireless Health feature simplifies root cause analysis for all connected wireless clients in a single dashboard, enabling IT teams to answer complex questions without having to manually dig through the entire network stack. Contact us today for more information on how to rapidly identify root causes of Wi-Fi issues or be alerted to anomalies in usage before they become serious problems.

View: Wireless Health: Powerful Heuristics for Smarter Troubleshooting

Customer story: M-KOPA Solar

As their business grew to over 1,000 employees, M-KOPA Solar, a consumer solar energy provider, needed to consolidate their reporting to promote timely responses and meet customer demand quickly--all while maintaining a secure IT environment. By adopting a full suite of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions, M-KOPA can respond to demand and meet business requirements quickly. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we want to help you do the same. Contact us to learn more on how we can help.

How small businesses can safeguard their data

With security risks like compromised credentials, stolen devices, and human error, keeping your business protected can seem overwhelming, especially for a small business that may not have the resources to dedicate to it. Microsoft 365 offers a complete solution, with tools like multifactor identification and data encryption that cover the areas you can't.

View: How small businesses can safeguard their data

Customer story: EON

Natasha Franck, founder of EON, is working to create a more sustainable future by embedding clothing with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tech to help recycle garments at their end of life and put a dent in the number of clothes that eventually end up in landfills. RFID is just one example of the boundless applications of IoT technology available to drive transformation. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we have the industry experts who can help you connect your devices. Contact us to learn more.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How can Microsoft help me understand my current security posture and get recommendations on how to improve?

This Thought Leadership provides an overview of the offerings Microsoft 365 has to help security CISOs and other security professionals gain better visibility and control of their current and future security position.

View: How can Microsoft help me understand my current security posture and get recommendations on how to improve?

10th Generation Processors by the Numbers

This infographic on the "10th Generation Processors by the Numbers" compares the "Ice Lake" and "Comet Lake" processor architectures used for the 10th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors. For "Comet Lake," technical specifications are included for the newest U-Series and Y-Series.

View: 10th Generation Processors by the Numbers

Visualizing A Better Business

This article discusses data visualization and how it is rounding into form as a disruptor that small businesses can use. If your customers have data they aren't fully leveraging, visualization can help make it more explainable and powerful. The article concludes with an additional link to data visualization tools to keep the conversation going and lead them toward possible solutions.


Do more beyond the Core Microsoft Dynamics 365 + SAP

Many organizations are moving to cloud-based ERP systems that can provide greater speed and flexibility at lower costs. Some businesses may not be able to migrate to the cloud, but they may still require greater flexibility and capabilities than their existing solutions provide. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we want to help these businesses plan and adopt an ERP solution that can fit within their current operations, providing a smooth journey while adding the benefits of an enhanced ERP system.

View: Do more beyond the Core Microsoft Dynamics 365 + SAP

Creating security controls for IoT devices at Microsoft

How are you leveraging the latest technology to meet your needs? Microsoft is using IoT to provide efficiency and convenience. With IoT, Microsoft monitors datacenters, controls smart building systems, and interacts with HoloLens devices. While you may have other needs, you can use that same technology to fulfill them. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we know how to help your business connect devices and create the IoT system that will drive the transformation you need. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Creating security controls for IoT devices at Microsoft

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mobile 10th Gen Intel® Core™ U-Series and Y-Series Processors

This informative product brief on the "Mobile 10th Gen Intel® Core™ U-Series and Y-Series Processors" covers both series in detail, providing excellent support for why the latest SKU ("Comet Lake") processors are ideal for today's advanced applications, streaming HD, battery life requirements, and wireless standards.

View: Mobile 10th Gen Intel® Core™ U-Series and Y-Series Processors

ThinkVision P32u Monitor Tour

This video provides a product tour of the ThinkVision® P32u monitor. The highest-quality monitor that Lenovo offers, this product includes features such as Thunderbolt™ 3 support, daisy chain capabilities, and a true-to-life visual experience.

Modernize your ERP with a multi-tiered deployment for Operations Finance

If you're using a primary ERP system that is expensive to customize, it might be time to implement a multi-tier ERP model. Integrating multiple ERP solutions provides a set of capabilities unique to your business needs. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we know ERP requirements can be tough to plan; that's why we're here to help. With years of experience helping businesses adopt the solutions they need, we can work with you to ensure a smooth and fast transition. Contact us today for more.

View: Modernize your ERP with a multi-tiered deployment for Operations Finance

Your Data is Safe with Office 365

Small businesses deserve the benefits of the cloud as much as any other company, and now they can do so without worrying about the security of their data.

Finding the right IoT solution for your business

Are you an expert when it comes to building cloud solutions? As it turns out, you don't have to be. With the right SaaS solution from Azure, you can manage your device and cloud solutions with predictable or fine-tuned pricing and still have the level of control that makes you comfortable. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we can help you determine whether you're best fitted for SaaS or PaaS solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help you drive transformation with Azure.

View: Finding the right IoT solution for your business

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Five Ways to Effectively Optimize Your Business Operations

Even today, many practices in the business world are performed manually leaving room for human error as well as the risks of customer dissatisfaction. Automating some of those practices like customer reporting can cut down on errors, time, and money. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we want to help you optimize your business. With the right tools and experienced team at your side, there's no end to what your business can achieve. Contact us today to set up a consultation.


IoT devices proliferate, from smart bulbs to industrial vibration sensors

How are you using IoT? One of the biggest uses for IoT in an industrial setting is preventive maintenance. Devices like vibration and wear sensors measure the stresses on and performance of factory equipment to help catch malfunctions before they happen. Now you can use the same software to run your devices as Fortune 500 companies, and Coastal Computer Systems Inc. can help. We're industry experts and have the knowledge you need to adopt and connect all of your IoT devices. Contact us today for more.


Lenovo Unveils New ThinkPad P Series Portfolio with World's Most Powerful 15-Inch Mobile Workstation

This press release describes the new ThinkPad® P Series as "the world's most powerful 15-inch mobile workstation with Xeon® processor technology." The new ThinkPad P Series portfolio is designed to meet the need for more power and portability both in the office and everywhere else, without sacrificing reliability and security.


How do I find and manage shadow IT and rogue devices, and put policies in place to ensure we remain secure?

New cloud app capabilities offer the potential for teams to work smarter and more efficiently than ever before, but they can put huge pressure on IT and security teams to ensure company data remains secure without hindering forward progress. Microsoft 365 tools allow you to do this.

View: How do I find and manage shadow IT and rogue devices, and put policies in place to ensure we remain secure?

Lenovo® and Intel® vPro™ Platform for Business Computing

This informative, interactive tech tour displays the comprehensive features and benefits of the Intel® vPro™ platform available in Lenovo® workstations, desktops, and laptops. Entitled "Lenovo® and Intel® vPro™ Platform for Business Computing," the web page provides the feature set and advantages of the Intel® vPro™ technology, as well as content on how Lenovo and Intel® Select Solutions meet the challenges of today's advanced applications.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Small Business Computing Basics Checklist

This easy-to-digest "Small Business Computing Basics Checklist" describes the 3 solutions every growing small business needs—hyperconvergence, digital transformation, and data protection—along with a powerful Cisco solution for each. For more information on Cisco Designed for Business solutions, contact us today.

View: Small Business Computing Basics Checklist

Customer Story: Michael Hill

Since 1979, Michael Hill has provided the world with luxury jewelry. As the company has grown, they've needed to expand their omnichannel processes. This desire has driven them to consolidate data onto one platform to accelerate their digital transformation. You, too, can optimize your operations to drive transformation and accelerate growth.

Customer Story: Michael Hill

Since 1979, Michael Hill has provided the world with luxury jewelry. As the company has grown, they've needed to expand their omnichannel processes. This desire has driven them to consolidate data onto one platform to accelerate their digital transformation. You, too, can optimize your operations to drive transformation and accelerate growth.

Defend, protect, secure. IT heroes in action.

Walk through a week in the life of IT professionals to see the variety of work they do each day to address threats and protect your organization.

View: Defend, protect, secure. IT heroes in action.

PCL Construction LLC

PCL Construction LLC uses IoT to connect their management with their jobsites. The devices alert builders and management to issues with construction. With the sensors, they can monitor the temperature, humidity, and pressure in over 483 units, something that would normally be done by hand. Now they can focus workers on more important things that drive value back to the company. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we can help you deliver the same results. Contact us today to learn more.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Protect your data in files, apps, and devices, within and across an organization

In addition to protecting endpoints, Microsoft believes in protecting data, starting at its very inception. Check out the strategies and tools they have to keep data protected across all scenarios in this informational document.

View: Protect your data in files, apps, and devices, within and across an organization

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lenovo™ ThinkCentre® Tiny-in-One 22, Tiny-in-One 24

This valuable data sheet showcases the most compelling benefits of the ThinkCentre® Tiny-in-One systems. The data sheet stresses the many benefits available to your clients and prospects, including making refreshes and upgrades effortless and presenting a completely configurable display, while also introducing a sleek new design that is space saving and optimized for the user's most critical applications.

View: Lenovo™ ThinkCentre® Tiny-in-One 22, Tiny-in-One 24

Intel Introduces Project Athena

This intriguing, movie-in-a-movie video, "Intel® Introduces Project Athena," shows some of the ways these new laptops adapt and respond to things we do on a PC every day. It showcases how these PCs easily multi-task between advanced AI apps, messaging boards, videos, music, and more.

Creating an immigration workflow management solution with Dynamics 365

A global operation like Microsoft employs a diverse international workforce. To process their visa applications faster, the legal team uses Microsoft Dynamics so employees can focus on what they do best. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., it's our job to assist your business along your digital transformation journey, and we can help you use these same tools. Give us a call to learn how you can improve your workflows too.

View: Creating an immigration workflow management solution with Dynamics 365

Maximizing the impact of your IoT Proof of Concept

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers businesses opportunities for incredible savings and growth. However, an IoT solution may also require a significant up-front investment. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we can help you find the solution that fits your business needs and help you implement that technology to maximize your return. Contact us to learn more.

View: Maximizing the impact of your IoT Proof of Concept

1.0 Target Specification for Project Athena

This Intel® "1.0 Target Specification for Project Athena" infographic is often used to explain the initiative's objectives and associated laptop functions. At the center is the need for focus, readiness, and adaptability. But this hub has many spokes that are carefully detailed in this diagram. It presents the reasons that this laptop is much better equipped than former computers to handle today's advanced applications as well as future PC requirements.

View: 1.0 Target Specification for Project Athena

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

ThinkCentre Tiny-in-One 3 Product Tour

This video offers a product tour of the ThinkCentre® Tiny-in-One 3 system. The powerful display options from Lenovo® offer a fully adjustable design; borderless display; integrated camera, mic, and speakers; and easy-access ports. Most importantly, they are fully compatible with 2nd- and 3rd-generation Tiny PCs, Chromebox and Thin Clients.

Modernize your ERP Operations Finance

Do you need to fuel your businesses growth? With the solutions available in the cloud, it's now easier to do. By modernizing your enterprise resource planning capabilities, you'll find the insights you need to empower employees and optimize your operations. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we know this isn't an easy task, that's why we're here to help. We have the knowledge and experience you need to make the transition in record time. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

View: Modernize your ERP Operations Finance

Day in the Life

The infographic entitled "Day in the Life" examines the small business benefits of Cisco's all-in-one team collaboration solutions for multitasking CEOs who need to manage remote employees and keep clients updated. The infographic notes the ways Cisco solutions protect growing business networks from security threats while scaling to the business's needs for seamless security and networking solutions.

View: Day in the Life

Customer Story: BP deploys Microsoft 365 to improve user experience and security

BP recognizes the significance of cybersecurity to their business and the importance of continual digital transformation to remain competitive. To accomplish both simultaneously, they implemented Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5, getting the best of Microsoft tools with an integrated security system that's simple and easy for all employees to use.


Azure IoT PaaS vs SaaS

With SaaS and PaaS, the right solution is different for every business. SaaS can provide predictable pricing options without the need to construct an in-house management solution. PaaS allows businesses with cloud and device expertise to fine-tune their IT services to reduce costs and maximize return on investment. The decision is up to you, but you're not alone. At Coastal Computer Systems Inc., we can help facilitate your decision and guide you along the way. Contact us to learn more.

View: Azure IoT PaaS vs SaaS